As equipes participantes são PCIFIC, MOUZ NXT, FORZE Reload, XP Academy, Illuminar, BakS eSports, PARTIZAN, Anonymo, HOTU, Verdant, RoundsGG, Passion UA, Team PeeP, tutel, Lazer Cats, Dynamo Eclot, Endpoint, Daystar, Team Next Level, Spotless, Fire Flux Esports, GamerLegion Academy, Rhyno, UNiTY esports, 9INE, ex-Enterprise, Infinite, RUBY, The Suspect, 500, Kubix Esports, Spirit Academy, Heimo Esports, ALTERNATE aTTaX, GODSENT, Viperio, Kay Team, DASH, GenOne, CYBERSHOKE Esports, kONO.ECF, ADEPTS, HyperSpirit, Meteor, Souls Heart, Grindas, Lilmix, Molotov Gaming, Nexus, The Spells, ARROW, QUAZAR, Copenhagen Wolves, Nuclear TigeRES, The Gentelmen Esports, Permitta Esports, Leo Team, Lausanne-Sport Esports, K27, GameAgents, Favbet, RUSTEC, BC.Game Esports, FLuffyGangsters, ex-9INE Academy, 1WIN, Partizan Esport, bruh, Looking For Org, Haspers LFO, CPH Wolves